Thursday, April 29, 2010

The Place I Wake..

About a month ago, I had a really bizarre dream. I went to bed pretty early, and it must have screwed with my sleep pattern a little bit, because I began to have weird nightmares!

I woke up suddenly in my room because the window was open, and the wind blew my lamp over! The lamp crashed onto my floor, but luckily didnt break. I walked over to pick it up, but thought to myself, "this isnt my room!" Everything was in the exact same place where it was when I went to bed, but nothing was really the same. The walls did not look blue, but they almost had a faded yellow-ish tint, like they had not been cleaned for years! My lamp, even though it didnt break, had holes in the lampshades, and the blue and white floral print on the glass was faded and chipped. All the light fixtures had dust and cobwebs, and the floor was covered in dustmites, fur and leaves. The room was exactly the same, but not at all. 

I woke up in a sweat and realized that I had just had the worst dream! (only because I thought it was real) I went to bed in one place, or one decade, and then woke up (at least I thought I was awake) in a completely different time period! The room looked as though it had been abandoned for fifty years, but nothing was moved. The whole idea kind of creeped me out because the whole next day I started wondering what this house will look like in 50 years, if I will still own it, or who would live in it! The future began to scare me, only because it seemed to scary in my dream.

However, just like the giant spider chasing Dr. Sexson, it was only a dream. I do not live in an abandoned house, but I do obviously need to work on my sleep patterns!

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